Saturday, April 26, 2008

In the Backyard again

The boys and I had some fun in the backyard again this afternoon. They are so happy when they're outside so I'm grateful for a little nice weather.

Jack loves the swings.

This expression is so Andy
Here he's trying to catch me during a game of tag .

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Here's my lovely "little sister" who's graduating from middle school this June. She's not only beautiful but smart too.. straight A's! Great job Sweetie, I'm so proud of you!

Carla's Third

I had a great time with Carla this morning. She is a pro at this pregnancy thing having done it a couple times before. Doesn't she look fantastic too! Can't wait to see the new little one in June.Getting a little arty here...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kandace & Brad

I had a great day shooting with an old friend of mine from Beyond Exposure Photography. Tamara and I go way back...all the way to diapers if you can believe it! She and I always seem to be doing the same things too. As kids we wore matching jackets and had matching purses. When we got married it was within three months of each other and we have each have had two kids in the last four years. AND if that wasn't enough we both love photography! It was great to lend her a hand today and we had a terrific couple to work with too. I swear I've said it before but I do get the most wonderful people to work with and these two were no different. And their bridal party... a hoot:) Thanks for a wonderful day guys and congrats!

This is my favorite of the can see why.... the colours are amazing!
The handsome groom Brad.
His lovely lady
Cool truck and lovely lady, can't get much better eh boys?!This is what I'm talking about....check out these great chicks! They proposed this shot and I was happy to catch the fun.
A little sun from behind the trees. I am trying this flare thing a it??

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A new flash Bracket

I just bought a new toy and the boys were my test subjects. cute...and hyper:)
They calmed down a little when it was "toons" time and Jack was a little mesmerized by Franklin. Look at those big lips ...they're from daddy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ashley & Ryan : The Coolest Couple

Just got back from the working with a super fun couple. They braved the mosquitoes (yes they're out..those little buggers) and spent some time patiently waiting for the sun to set. They were a riot and willing to do whatever I asked. Love them! Here's a few of my favorites starting with a little sunshine.
A little more of a artistic feel to this one.
Anyone like yellow?
I had my lovely assistant Natalie holding a light for something a little different.
Cute, Cute, Cute!
Yes, they were into the posing thing. Ahh..young love...
Love the mood of this photo.Beautiful coupleI set up some lighting to do a few of these fun shots below. I love how the couple just pop. Thanks for being such good sports Ashley & Ryan! I am really looking forward to your wedding day now. After a shoot like today... just imagine what I'll make ya do for the big day;P