Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

We had a great time with the "Dyck" Family on Sunday to celebrate Easter. The kids enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in our back yard and they all got a little crazy on the sugar. As you can see Andy took it quick seriously, knowing the contents of the eggs, and raced around searching franticly for the loot. Due to his diligents, he managed to get a huge amount compared to the rest of the kids (we secretly evened the score later) . Jack, on the other hand, was a smart cookie and stopped after each one he found to open it and eat it right away. He was cranky before the hunt and extortionately happy after....who's a thunk it:) Rebecca and Luke (our adorable Niece and Nephew) were happy campers too and didn't seem to care that Andy was hogging the loot.

PS Forgot to mention...Andy had to "change his clothes" part way through the hunt....that's how excited he was...and he never does that normally :)

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