Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Day at the Fair

So here I am again, posting more in the last two days than in the last 3 months:) I decided to take the kids to the fair today before it got too busy. It's fun to let Andy just lead the way and choose where we go. I am sure we'll be going again a few more times this weekend too. It was so much fun! I also had a newspaper photographer take Andy's picture so watch the paper for that AND then a staff reporter interviewed me and took a family shot too. We're famous ya know?!
As you can tell from these shots (especially of Andy) I couldn't pry him away from all the activity so you see the back of his head alot. I love to see them having so much fun.

Ummm...Mini Donuts (not surprisingly, Jack's favorite part)


rachel joy said...

I just got back from the fair, too. We had a pretty good time, great way to spend the day before going on holidays tomorrow. And now that I've found your blog, I'll be back! Looking forward to getting together in September, as I'll be away most of August. :)

The W's said...

Oh the boys! Seeing them makes me miss them so much more!! Looks like they had a great time.