Sunday, August 10, 2008

Eddi & Dara 08-07-08

I was in Alberta this past week for Eddi and Dara's wedding. I was very excited about it because not only is Dara my cousin but I also got the opportunity to shoot in a different landscape. The wedding did not disappoint. The weather was great, the bride was beautiful and we had a great sunset. What more could a photographer ask for?!

Loved this ring shot. I put them into the vase holding sand for the sand ceremony. The ceremony was held on the family farm where they have these great old rustic buildings. Here's one with the dress.
Dara having her make up done.
The beautiful flower girl, my cousin, Shania.
Wow, stunner!
Dara and her dads.
It was sunny! Loved the glasses guys:)
That's one happy couple!
Some cool chicks.
Here's the cool building again.
Love it!
Only in Alberta.... No, they are not loaded.

A model shot.
These were taken during a great emotional speech given my my aunt and mother of the bride.
A few tears.
And a lot of good laughs too.
I love cake fights!
There was this cool door at the hall and of course I had to make Dara pose!
Now for the best shots.....check out a little off camera flash. My lovely assistant (aka my brother James) held the flash for me.
We don't see sunsets like this in BC very often.
Dara was smokin'
I think this is my favorite.
Thanks so much Dara and Eddi for including me in your day! I had such a great time and can't wait to visit Alberta again.


Joyce said...

wow Anita I loved the pictures they made me cry she looks stunning! looks like a fun wedding to be at wish I could have. love the one with the gun!

Footprints Photography said...

I am moving to Alberta!!! That BARN! The FIELDS!! AHHHHHH!!! Those are amazing photos Anita, great VISIONS you had!!!!