Friday, March 20, 2009

My Little Boys in Pajamas

If you follow my blog often you'll notice this trend I have. I will work with a bunch of clients and focus all my photographic energy on them and then I will have this overwhelming desire to photograph my own kiddies. Today was one of those days. I felt drawn to my camera and my kids. I just grabbed a few snap shots before I sent them off to bed. Take note for all you camera buffs out there, these are not "photoshopped" images. They are just that darn cute!!
(okay, I do have a fantastic camera and that helps a little)

I can't actually take "Sears" type images of my kids. You know, the ones where they are posed stiffly and smiling pretentiously at the camera?! They are just not those type of children;)

My favorite for sure! Cracks me up! A little Elvis I think.Okay, this is kinda Sears. I will mention that the reason he is smiling is because he was just given permission to tickle me. He was about to pounce!
This is Jack being bounced on my knees. You can see them at the bottom of the picture.
This is his favorite funny face.Giving me the eye.
Ahh, he has no teeth! This is the face he's be giving us when we want to take his picture. He thinks he's smiling;)
And now a real smile, dimples and all!I so love my boys!

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