Monday, March 9, 2009

My New Nephew

I'm getting behind on the blogging! I haven't even looked through all the images from this last session but I'm posting anyway. I have to show off my newest nephew! He was the most perfect baby I've ever taken pictures of:) That's cause he knew I was the coolest Auntie in the world and so he had to be on his best behavior. I promise to post more later....along with a bunch of other stuff too:)

Here he is before he fell asleep. So perfect.
Punching it up with the colours here!

Love this shot!! My sister looks amazing.
Isn't she beautiful!? No wonder her child is that cute!
Yes, he slept and slept and slept. SO PERFECT!
I wanted to get a shot of him in the cute new bassinet they picked up. Awe!

My favorite!

One more shot with Daddy....or at least his arm. Tough and tender.


Eileen Whitmore said...

Aw, he is sooooo precious!!! Good work Auntie!

The W's said...

He's a cutie :)

jason said...

Congratulations on being an Auntie again. He looks so peaceful and your sister is stunning.
