Saturday, January 3, 2009

Trash The Dress Snow Style

I had an amazing time in the snow today. I've been dreaming of doing a Trash The Dress shoot for a while and I'm doing two this weekend! Too much fun:)
For those of you who don't know, a Trash The Dress shoot is just a fun experience for brides (and sometimes grooms) that want some fun shots after their wedding and don't mind getting their dress a little dirty. Some people can get a little crazy but we're pretty tame. Kristie's wedding was the second wedding I ever shot and it was great to work with her again. She was so brave not to mention tough to handle the freezing weather. It was so worth these shots!

This whole shoot was about being artistic and trying new things. Loving the flare!Glam baby!

I really have a hard time picking favorites but these next two are pretty close to the top

This is how I took those shots:) Thanks Eileen for the picture!

Kristie has an amazing laugh! LOVE IT!

Yeah, she's stunning. Made my job pretty easy, huh!?

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