Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Date with Andy

Andy and I went on a date recently to the pumpkin patch. His class had a field trip and the parents were invited. Here's how Andy felt about the whole thing....
Just a wee bit happy!

Here he is having the one and only "quiet" moment of the day. It lasted about 5 seconds and then he was off to pet the other animals. We toured around that barn about 30 times before he got a good enough look at everything.
Yeah, I am a pathetic mother. "Andy, check out this great just stand there a moment...yeah like that. Wow you look cute...lettme get my camera!". He is really sick of that. Walls are not cool mom!
Andy was very proud he picked the smallest pumpkin of all the kids. Thank goodness he hasn't reached the stage where size matters!
Here is his super cute "girl friend". He recently asked me if he could marry her. Wow, it's all happening so fast!
Yup, still happy!
After the pumpkins we ventured to Red Robin's for some fries. Andy took about 50 million pictures (including this one) with my new baby (aka Nikon D700). I was feeling a little crazy that day so I actually let him have if for a while, under extreme supervision. Hey, the kid could have a future in this photography stuff! Gotta start em young!


Footprints Photography said...

Your comments are hilarious!!!!! I would watch out if I were you, I think Andy got one amazing shot there! AND, how come you let him use your camera and not ME??

Anita said...

You can always use my camera Natalie....just remember to return it!