Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chatnee & Ron - April 14th, 2009 - Part One

She had the dress, he had the tux and the guests arrived....on a Tuesday, yes, a Tuesday. And what a great Tuesday for a wedding! I'm thinking of offering discounts to brides and grooms as smart as this couple;) It was such a perfect day at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and we didn't have to wrestle with traffic and tourists because, as you know, it was a Tuesday! As you can tell we had a great time and I can only post a couple images right now. I promise more to come.

PS I'm in love with these shoes! Great taste Chatnee!
Yeah, I know, stunning!

1 comment:

Steeped Tea With Eileen said...

Sooooo love the ring/shoe photo! Great job - can't wait to see the rest!